COLUMBIA, Md.—The Community Foundation of Howard County has awarded 87 scholarships to 78 Howard County students with an approximate value of $79,500. The awards come after a thorough review process of applications and scholarship committee recommendations.
Jillian Lewis (pictured above), a 2021 graduate of Howard High School, headlines the group. Lewis earned four scholarship awards. She will attend Sweet Briar College in the fall and intends to study engineering.
“These scholarships are another example of the many donors in our caring community and the value they place on education,” said Dee Athey, director of grants and community engagements for the Community Foundation of Howard County (CFHoCo). “In an extraordinary time, this tradition of giving is especially meaningful, given the challenges and the sacrifices the graduating seniors have made. Although they may not have had a traditional high school experience, they can know the community continues to support and reward their hard work.”
To break it down even further, 22 high school seniors from 11 Howard County public schools received an array of 31 scholarship awards for $65,500 dedicated to post-secondary study. Another 56 middle school students received $14,000 in Carlessia Hussein Minority Scholarships, which are dedicated for minority males to attend qualified extracurricular camps and programs.
Below is a brief list of the high school recipients. A more detailed description of each scholarship and some personal highlights of each winner follows.
Name, High School, Scholarship Award(s)
Jordan Abrams, River Hill, The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” River Hill HS Student Scholarship
Elli Ahn, Marriotts Ridge, Mark Hollingsworth Scholarship
Isaac Allen, Reservoir, Doug Parker Scholarship AND Robert J. Gaw Memorial Scholarship
Wesley Boateng, Long Reach, Mary-Kathryn Abernathy Memorial Scholarship
Stephen Britten, River Hill, John C. Clegg Scholarship
Eric Cooper, Hammond, Karen and Howard Carolan Scholarship
Alexandra “Lexi” Cucchiaro, Mt. Hebron, Kit Sfekas Memorial Scholarship AND Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship
Megan Eich, Howard, Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III Scholarship
Maggie Fan, Atholton, Tropf Family Scholarship
Catherine Fischer, Glenelg, Vision Financial Group Scholarship
Brian Ihejurobi, Wilde Lake, Michael Joseph Deets Scholarship
Chase Johnson, Hammond, Mike Chang Sunshine Scholarship
Esther Kim, Marriotts Ridge, Greg Speelman Scholarship
Jillian Lewis, Howard, Allan Homes Outstanding Student Volunteer AND The Amanda Post “AmandWins” Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County Student Scholarship AND Phyllis Utterback Scholarship AND Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship
Daniel Mize, Atholton, Freeman K. Hill Teen Scholarship AND Tropf Family Scholarship
Trajan Mulinazzi, Atholton, Aaron Worley Scholarship
Nile Rankin-Watson, Oakland Mills, Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship AND Tropf Family Scholarship
Katherine Ringer, Glenelg, The Amanda Post “AmandWins” Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County Student Scholarship
Ama Stott, Hammond, Bob Kittleman Scholarship
Grayson Vintz, River Hill, Lance Christopher Mercy Scholar-Athlete Scholarship
Tim Vuong, Atholton, Tropf Family Scholarship
Camille Young, Long Reach, C. Merritt Pumphrey Scholarship AND Mary Kathryn Abernathy Scholarship AND Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam Scholarship
Aaron Worley Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory/honor of Aaron Worley for Howard County high school seniors with a commitment to community involvement, academics and sportsmanship.
2021 Recipient: Trajan Mulinazzi, Atholton HS
Trajan Mulinazzi… intends to study computer and information sciences at the University of Maryland-College Park… National Honor Society… officer in Army JROTC… captain of lacrosse team… captain of wrestling team… member of SGA… member of Future Business Leaders of America… National Math Honor Society … National Tech Honor Society… volunteer with VolunTeens… volunteer at Canine Humane Network… founder of T and T Lawn Services… coaches U6 boys soccer at Soccer Association of Columbia…
Allan Homes Outstanding Student Volunteer Scholarship – $1,500
There is up to $1,500 available to individuals, enrolled in a Maryland high school or college undergraduate program, that demonstrate they volunteered their talent and provided exceptional service to the Special Olympics Howard County Swim Team.
2021 Recipient: Jillian Lewis, Howard HS
Jillian Lewis… intends to study civil engineering at Sweet Briar College… National Honor Society… National Science Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… varsity soccer… also played travel soccer for SAC Pre-Academy travel soccer team… member of Howard swim club team… member of CATY Barracudas swim team… member of the Women’s Engineering Club… member of Howard HS Lion Leader program… Special Olympics four-year volunteer for both soccer and swimming… coached a SAC U-8 girls team… swim coach for the Phelps Luck CNSL team… volunteered at Phelps Luck Elementary School…
The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” River Hill High School Student-Athlete Scholarship – $5,000
This scholarship, for eligible River Hill seniors, is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School.
2021 Recipient: Jordan Abrams, River Hill HS
Jordan Abrams… will attend the University of Texas at Austin… posted a 4.0 GPA at River Hill… varsity tennis… president of the River Hill Investing Club… member of Future Business Leaders of America… earned top honors at state FBLA in personal finance… vice president of It’s Academic/Quiz Bowl Team… Maryland Technology Honor Society… earned Top Hawk award… earned distinction from Chinese, English, Social Studies and Math departments… played 8+ years of soccer in SAC
The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County Student-Athlete Scholarship – $5,000
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School and in her ninth year as a Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County player. Candidates must be Howard County seniors that have played on a SAC/HC travel or rec team. There are two recipients in 2021.
2021 Recipient: Jillian Lewis, Howard HS
Jillian Lewis… intends to study engineering at Sweet Briar College… National Honor Society… National Science Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… varsity soccer… also played travel soccer for SAC Pre-Academy travel soccer team… member of Howard swim club team… member of CATY Barracudas swim team… plans to join the soccer and swim teams in college… member of the Women’s Engineering Club… member of Howard HS Lion Leader program… Special Olympics four-year volunteer for both soccer and swimming… coached a SAC U-8 girls team… swim coach for the Phelps Luck CNSL team… volunteered at Phelps Luck Elementary School…
2021 Recipient: Katherine Ringer, Glenelg HS
Katherine Ringer… intends to enroll in pre-med studies at the University of Maryland-College Park… Spanish Honor Society… co-captain of varsity soccer… member of the Key Club service organization… volunteered at the Aicardi Syndrome Foundation… played club soccer with SAC Premier Blue 2003 team…
Bob Kittleman Scholarship – Up to $1,000
This scholarship honors Bob Kittleman, and is for Howard County high school seniors who have shown potential in or are accomplished in engineering and the applied sciences.
2021 Recipient: Ama Stott, Hammond HS
Ama Stott… intends to study nuclear engineering at the United States Naval Academy… earned a 4.0 GPA… president of National Honor Society… Science National Honor Society… Math National Honor Society… co-captain of lacrosse team… captain of math team… member of It’s Academic/Quiz Bowl team… earned principal’s honor roll and Hammond Scholar-Athlete award every year… participant and youth coach of KC Waves CSNL swim team… SGA treasurer… Class Council treasurer… interned at JHU Applied Physics Lab and HCC… active community volunteer…
C. Merritt Pumphrey Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is available to a student currently in their senior year at a Howard County Public School or Chapelgate, who plans to pursue an education in pre-law, agriculture, animal husbandry, or a field related to farming.
2021 Recipient: Camille Young, Long Reach HS
Camille Young… intends to study political science at Spelman College… carried a 4.0 GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… Spanish National Honor Society… Dance Arts National Honor Society… Rho Kappa Social Studies National Honor Society… president of SGA… class of 2021 Class Council… co-captain of POMS Dance Team… member of Lightning Leaders… Principal Leadership Award… officer in LRHS Scholars Leadership Program… Distinguished Young Woman of Columbia Class of 2021…
Carlessia Hussein Minority Scholarship – Up to $25,000
Carlessia Hussein Minority Scholarships are for African American, Latino or Native American males attending a public middle school in Howard County for the costs of tuition and related expenses associated with participating in “qualified programs” that provide opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and unique experiences to enable them to successfully complete school and become life-long leaders in their community. There is up to $25,000 available, approximately $350 per week of camp per applicant.
There were 56 young men that accepted Carlessia Hussein Minority Scholarships in 2021. Read about the 2021 winners here.
Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship available to Howard High School students is offered in appreciation by Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III for the fine education provided to them by the faculty of Howard High School.
2021 Recipient: Megan Eich, Howard HS
Megan Eich… intends to study theatre at Messiah University… National Honor Society… American Sign Language Honor Society… co-captain of American Sign Language Club… co-captain of mock trial team… co-captain of improv team… four-year participant in theater… officer in International Thespian Society… very active in her church, Mosaic Christian Church… active community volunteer…
Doug Parker Scholarship – $2,500
This scholarship was established to honor and pay tribute to “Big Doug” Parker, a big man with a big heart. Applicants must attend a Howard County public or private school.
2021 Recipient: Isaac Allen, Reservoir HS
Isaac Allen… intends to study business management at North Carolina A&T… National Honor Society… Latin National Honor Society… Math National Honor Society… served as president, secretary and treasurer of NAACP Howard County Youth and College Division chapter… National Society of Black Engineers… founder and president of Student Voices for Howard County… RHS Alpha Achievers… earned official citation from Maryland general assembly for Exemplary Service to Others…active community volunteer and peer mentor…
Freeman K. Hill Teen Scholarship – $1,500
This scholarship is for a Howard County student who demonstrates his or her religious faith through good citizenship, service to others and the community and academic achievement – values that were exemplified in the life of Freeman K. Hill, an engineer at the Applied Physics Lab.
2021 Recipient: Daniel Mize, Atholton HS
Daniel Mize… intends to study computer science at the University of Maryland-College Park… National Honor Society… Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts National Honor Society… captain of varsity wrestling… varsity lacrosse…captain in Atholton Army Junior ROTC… Eagle Scout… captain of robotics team…
Greg Speelman Scholarship – $2,000
This $2,000 scholarship is available to a Marriotts Ridge High School student currently in their senior year, who leads by example and responds with care towards the needs of others.
2021 Recipient: Esther Kim, Marriotts Ridge HS
Esther Kim… intends to study finance at the University of Pittsburgh… National Honor Society… secretary of Future Business Leaders of America… state and national finalist in FBLA… varsity volleyball… varsity track…member of band and marching band… Tri-M Honor Society… Project LETS… active community volunteer…
John C. Clegg Scholarship – Up to $6,000
The Clegg Scholarship is for high school seniors who participated on the Columbia Clippers swim team from 9th through 12th grade.
2021 Recipient: Stephen Britten, River Hill HS
Stephen Britten… intends to study mechanical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology… carried a 4.0 GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… treasurer of 4-H… captain of robotics team… earned state champion honors in robotics… placed second overall in US in robotics at world championships… wind ensemble and marching band… Columbia Clippers swim team… 100 Backstroke and 50 Backstroke champion at 2021 HoCo Invitational Swim Meet… started his own 3D design summer camp…
Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship – $2,500
This $2,500 scholarship is available to a Howard County Public High School student, currently in their senior year, whose life has been impacted by cancer, either personally or within their immediate family.
2021 Recipient: Nile Rankin-Watson, Oakland Mills HS
Nile Rankin-Watson… intends to study psychology at Wellesley College… National Honor Society… Delta Scholar… Future Business Leaders of America regional champion… Council of Elders of the Black Community of Howard County Academic Achievement Award… softball… varsity volleyball… track & field… varsity cheer… varsity dance… environmental club…
Karen and Howard Carolan Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Howard T. Carolan, Jr., and Karen R. Carolan, longtime residents of Howard County. Applicants must have participated in the Howard County Youth Program.
2021 Recipient: Eric Cooper, Hammond HS
Eric Cooper… intends to study music performance/management at Xavier University… Alpha Achiever… Council of Elders of the Black Community of Howard County Academic Achievement Award… excellent musician… Hammond music Student of the Year… theater department… varsity track & field… played baseball, football and basketball in Howard County Youth Program… very active in church activities… active community volunteer…
Kit Sfekas Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered to a Mt. Hebron female athlete in memory of Judge Kit Sfekas, who was known to many as “Coach Kit.”
2021 Recipient: Alexandra Cucchiaro, Mt. Hebron HS
Lexi Cucchiaro… intends to study psychology at the University of Rochester… National Honor Society… Tri-M National Music Honor Society… English National Honor Society… Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society… co-captain MHHS Aquatics Club… swims club for Annapolis Swim Club… 200 Free champion at 2021 HoCo Invitational Swim Meet… plans to swim for U of R varsity team… president MMHS Marching Unity… senior drum major… first trumpet in jazz band… also plays in MHHS GT symphony orchestra, Dixieland band and pit orchestra… HoCo Honor Band… Maryland All State band… member of SGA… Kiwanis 2019-2020 regional Teenager of the Year… volunteer with Special Olympics…
Lance Christopher Mercy Scholar-Athlete Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is available to River Hill scholar-athletes who are currently in their senior year and have played either varsity football or lacrosse. The scholarship is offered in loving memory of Lance Mercy, a 2018 River Hill graduate who tragically passed away in a car accident in May 2020. He was passionate about sports, and his calm demeanor and easy-going personality made him a leader both on and off the field. His life motto can be summed up in just six words: work hard, have fun, be kind.

2021 Recipient: Grayson Vintz, River Hill HS
Grayson Vintz… intends to study at finance at the University of Maryland-College Park… earned spot in College Park Scholars living-learning program… 4.0 GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… RHHS Class of 2021 male winner of Scholar-Athlete Award… varsity baseball… varsity football… RHHS Stocks Club… Minds in Motion award… yearly Scholar-Athlete Award… won Exemplary Character Award… community volunteer…
Mark Hollingsworth Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Mark Hollingsworth, a devoted family man and hard-working entrepreneur whose compassionate spirit and positive attitude left a strong impression on those who knew and loved him. Applicants must be seniors at Marriotts Ridge High School.
2021 Recipient: Elli Ahn, Marriotts Ridge HS
Elli Ahn… will continue academic career at Georgetown University… posted a 4.0 GPA at Marriotts Ridge… National Honor Society… Chinese National Honor Society… national AP Scholar with Distinction… earned regional scholastic art and writing awards… president of SIGNA USA, a student-led art education nonprofit… vice president of the Asian American Student Association… officer in Student Action Leadership Team at Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church… active community volunteer…
Mary-Kathryn Abernathy Memorial Scholarship – $500
This $500 scholarship is offered in memory of Mary-Kathryn Abernathy for Long Reach High School students. Applicants must plan to attend a two- or four-year college/university or trade school and either pursue a career in education or have been involved in fine arts in the school or community. There are two winners in 2021.
2021 Recipient: Wesley Boateng, Long Reach HS
Wesley Boateng… intends to study information management sciences and systems at George Washington University… National Honor Society… president of Alpha Achievers… co-president of Future Business Leaders of America… active community volunteer…
2021 Recipient: Camille Young, Long Reach HS
Camille Young… intends to study political science at Spelman College… carried a 4.0 GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… Spanish National Honor Society… Dance Arts National Honor Society… Rho Kappa Social Studies National Honor Society… president of SGA… class of 2021 Class Council… co-captain of POMS Dance Team… member of Lightning Leaders… Principal Leadership Award… officer in LRHS Scholars Leadership Program… Distinguished Young Woman of Columbia Class of 2021…
Michael Joseph Deets Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Michael Joseph Deets. Candidates are Wilde Lake seniors planning to attend a two- or four-year college with preference given to students intending to enroll at The College of William & Mary.
2021 Recipient: Brian Ihejurobi, Wilde Lake HS
Brian Ihejurobi… intends to study psychology at the University of Pittsburgh… National Honor Society… Tri-M Music Honor Society president… National Speech Honor Society… Black Student Achievement Program president…Speech and Debate Club… won county’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratory Contest… two-year captain of varsity basketball… varsity track & field… drummer in band… Umoja Leaders elementary school mentor…
Mike Chang Sunshine Scholarship – $500
This scholarship is offered in memory of Mike Chang, a 1995 graduate of Hammond High School. Candidates are Hammond seniors planning to attend college and must respond with care and concern towards the needs of others and have the ability to bring humor to the serious business of life.
2021 Recipient: Chase Johnson, Hammond HS
Chase Johnson… intends to study sports management at Centenary University… varsity baseball… varsity indoor track… varsity soccer… played travel baseball with HCYP and Raiders… very active in his Bethany Church faith community…balances extra-curricular activities while holding down a 30-hour per week part-time job…
Phyllis Utterback Scholarship – $2,000
This scholarship for Howard County public school seniors is offered in memory/honor of Phyllis Utterback in recognition of her remarkable commitment to education, youth and family. She epitomized the impact and value of education and the positive role it can play in the lives of young and old.
2021 Recipient: Jillian Lewis, Howard HS
Jillian Lewis… intends to study engineering at Sweet Briar College… National Honor Society… National Science Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… varsity soccer… also played travel soccer for SAC Pre-Academy travel soccer team… member of Howard swim club team… member of CATY Barracudas swim team… plans to join the soccer and swim teams in college… member of the Women’s Engineering Club… member of Howard HS Lion Leader program… Special Olympics four-year volunteer for both soccer and swimming… coached a SAC U-8 girls team… swim coach for the Phelps Luck CNSL team… volunteered at Phelps Luck Elementary School…
Robert J. Gaw Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Robert J. Gaw, co-founder of the Ryland Group, Inc. It provides toward the cost of tuition for a Howard County public high school student.
2021 Recipient: Isaac Allen, Reservoir HS
Isaac Allen… intends to study business management at North Carolina A&T… National Honor Society… Latin National Honor Society… Math National Honor Society… served as president, secretary and treasurer of NAACP Howard County Youth and College Division chapter… National Society of Black Engineers… founder and president of Student Voices for Howard County… RHS Alpha Achievers… earned official citation from Maryland general assembly for Exemplary Service to Others…active community volunteer and peer mentor…
Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship – Up to $1,500
This scholarship is offered to individuals that demonstrate they volunteered their talent and provided exceptional service to the Special Olympics Howard County. There are two recipients in 2021.

2021 Recipient: Alexandra Cucchiaro, Mt. Hebron HS
Lexi Cucchiaro… intends to study psychology at the University of Rochester… National Honor Society… Tri-M National Music Honor Society… English National Honor Society… Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society… co-captain MHHS Aquatics Club… swims club for Annapolis Swim Club… 200 Free champion at 2021 HoCo Invitational Swim Meet… plans to swim for U of R varsity team… president MMHS Marching Unity… senior drum major… first trumpet in jazz band… also plays in MHHS GT symphony orchestra, Dixieland band and pit orchestra… HoCo Honor Band… Maryland All State band… member of SGA… Kiwanis 2019-2020 regional Teenager of the Year… super volunteer with Special Olympics…
2021 Recipient: Jillian Lewis, Howard HS
Jillian Lewis… intends to study engineering at Sweet Briar College… National Honor Society… National Science Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… varsity soccer… also played travel soccer for SAC Pre-Academy travel soccer team… member of Howard swim club team… member of CATY Barracudas swim team… plans to join the soccer and swim teams in college… member of the Women’s Engineering Club… member of Howard HS Lion Leader program… Special Olympics four-year volunteer for both soccer and swimming… coached a SAC U-8 girls team… swim coach for the Phelps Luck CNSL team… volunteered at Phelps Luck Elementary School…
Tropf Family Scholarships – $1,000
The Tropf family wishes to promote the study of science by awarding scholarships to Howard County public schools’ seniors from Atholton, Long Reach, Oakland Mills and Wilde Lake who intend to study mathematics, the physical sciences or engineering at a four-year college or university. These scholarships honor Cheryl Griffiths Tropf, a great believer in learning and academic achievement. There are four recipients in 2021.
2021 Recipient: Maggie Fan, Atholton HS
Maggie Fan… intends to study pre-law at Georgetown University… posted a 4.0 GPA at Atholton… president of National Honor Society… English, French, Math and Social Studies National Honor Societies… vice president in SGA… president of Maryland Youth Speakers Club of Howard County… president of USpeak public-speaking club… Debate Club… president of Ultimate Frisbee Club… president of Swim Club… member of Columbia Clippers swim team… earned national Toastmasters Communicator and Leadership Award honors… active community volunteer…
2021 Recipient: Daniel Mize, Atholton HS
Daniel Mize… intends to study computer science at the University of Maryland-College Park… National Honor Society… Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts National Honor Society… captain of varsity wrestling… varsity lacrosse…captain in Atholton Army Junior ROTC… Eagle Scout… captain of robotics team…
2021 Recipient: Nile Rankin-Watson, Oakland Mills HS
Nile Rankin-Watson… intends to study psychology at Wellesley College… National Honor Society… Delta Scholar… Future Business Leaders of America regional champion… Council of Elders of the Black Community of Howard County Academic Achievement Award… softball… varsity volleyball… track & field… varsity cheer… varsity dance… environmental club…
2021 Recipient: Tim Vuong, Atholton HS
Tim Vuong… intends to study computer science at University of Maryland-College Park… earned a 4.0 GPA at Atholton… AP Scholar with Distinction… National Honor Society… English, Math, Science and Spanish National Honor Societies… president of STEM Advisory Committee… vice president of USpeak… treasurer of MESA… president of Stress Less… community volunteer…
Vision Financial Group Scholarship – Up to $20,000
This $20,000 scholarship ($5,000/year for four years), is available to a graduating student from Glenelg High School who demonstrates a commitment to community.
2021 Recipient: Catherine Fischer, Glenelg HS
Catherine Fischer… intends to study psychology at Mt. St. Mary’s University… secretary of Book Club… Active Minds Club… captain of the Marching Unit marching band… Tri-M Music Honors program… Principal’s Advisory Team… very active in her faith community at St. Louis Catholic Church… active community volunteer…
Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam for Howard County high school seniors planning to attend a two- or four-year college/university or trade school in Maryland.
2021 Recipient: Camille Young, Long Reach HS
Camille Young… intends to study Political Science at Spelman College… carried a 4.0 GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… Spanish National Honor Society… Dance Arts National Honor Society… Rho Kappa Social Studies National Honor Society… president of SGA… class of 2021 Class Council… co-captain of POMS Dance Team… member of Lightning Leaders… Principal Leadership Award… officer in LRHS Scholars Leadership Program… Distinguished Young Woman of Columbia Class of 2021…