
Board of Trustees Profile: Marcy Leonard

Board of Trustees Profile: Marcy Leonard

Where did you grow up? Go to school?

I am a Howard County kid who never left Columbia! I attended Stevens Forest and Jeffers Hill Elementary Schools, Owen Brown and Clarksville Middle Schools, and I am a proud Atholton High School graduate. My undergraduate degree is from Haverford College and master’s degree is from Wake Forest University. I have also completed doctoral coursework from the University of Maryland at College Park. 

What do you do in your “day job?”

2023-2024 will be my 30th year with the Howard County Public School System. I was a social studies teacher, coach, advisor and administrator at Wilde Lake High School for 11 years to start my career. I then had the privilege of going to my alma mater, Atholton High School, for five years to serve as principal. I was privileged to be principal at Hammond High School for seven years, community superintendent for HCPSS for two years, and this year will be my fifth year back at Wilde Lake as principal. I love hanging out with students, educators and families, and it has been an incredible gift to be back home at Wilde Lake for the past few years.

Why did you want to be on the CFHoCo Board of Trustees?

This is my third term as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Community Foundation! The Foundation is the cornerstone for philanthropy in Howard County. It is vital that our work is driven by the recognition that we have a responsibility to name and address long-standing systematic inequities in our community. 

When did you start giving to issues that are important to you?

We talk about giving in three forms: time, talent and treasure. Even when I didn’t have financial resources to give, I’ve tried to share my time and talents with Howard County ever since serving as the first Student Member on the Board of Education. 

What are two or three areas of interest or non-profits that you give to?

Columbia Community Care, OhanaHC and the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County (WGC) are some of the Howard County organizations that are strategically seeking to create a more just Howard County. 

What advice do you have for those interested in giving back?

Mother Teresa said “we can do no great things; only small things with great love.” Giving comes in many, many forms. Whatever you have to give, be it time, talent, or treasure, give it with a full heart and with no expectations in return. Our community needs you.