The Community Foundation of Howard County announces 25 scholarship awards to 23 impressive Howard County graduating seniors. The awards come after a thorough review process of applications and scholarship committee recommendations.
“The 2023 scholarships were awarded to exceptional individuals who demonstrated outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities, excellence in extracurricular activities and a strong commitment to community service,” said Dee Athey, director of grants and community engagements for the Community Foundation of Howard County (CFHoCo). “These awards are especially meaningful given the challenges and the sacrifices the graduating seniors have made. We are proud of each recipient’s accomplishments and are confident in their ability to positively contribute to society in the future.”
Students from 11 different Howard County public schools received an array of scholarship awards dedicated to post-secondary study. Created individually over many decades by various donors, the scholarships are set up as endowed funds at the Community Foundation and annually reward some of Howard County’s best and brightest young stars.
Below is the list of the distinguished recipients. A more detailed description of each scholarship and some personal highlights of each winner follows.
Recipient Name, High School, Scholarship Award(s)
Saachi Aggarwal, Marriotts Ridge, Mark Hollingsworth Scholarship
Ethan Aidam, Oakland Mills, Tropf Family Scholarship
Albert Asher, River Hill, Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship
Gavin Caponera, Mt. Hebron, Karen and Howard Carolan Scholarship
Tareq Dheini, Howard, Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III Scholarship
Hannah Di Danato, Mt. Hebron, Kit Sfekas Memorial Scholarship
Sofia Douglass, Howard, The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County Student-Athlete Scholarship
Rebecca Fairbanks, Oakland Mills, Karen S. Wray Nursing with Compassion and Dignity Scholarship
Serena Goyal, River Hill, Aaron Worley Scholarship AND Freeman K. Hill Teen Scholarship (pictured above)
Sakina Ibrahim, Centennial, Dorothy Iglehart Pumphrey Memorial Scholarship
Agamnelechim Igwe, River Hill, Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship
Emily Kinnear, Marriotts Ridge, John C. Clegg Scholarship
Owen Lewis, Howard, Allan Homes Outstanding Student Volunteer Scholarship
Leah Liu, Marriotts Ridge, Doug Parker Scholarship
Justin Ma, Glenelg, Robert J. Gaw Memorial Scholarship
Xavier Manigault, Reservoir, Bob Kittleman Scholarship
Ian McWright, Mount Hebron, Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship
Stephanie Okoma, Oakland Mills, Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam Scholarship
Priyanshi Patel, River Hill, Phyllis Utterback Scholarship
Mioulca Saintilma, Wilde Lake, Michael Joseph Deets Scholarship
Lindsey Sands, Wilde Lake, Tropf Family Scholarship
Mia Swaby-Rowe, Wilde Lake/Maryland, Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship
Jack Taylor, Hammond High, Mike Chang Sunshine Scholarship
Benjamin Thomas, Long Reach, Tropf Family Scholarship
Arthur Wang, River Hill, Lance Christopher Mercy Scholar-Athlete Scholarship AND The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” River Hill High School Student-Athlete Scholarship
Aaron Worley Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory/honor of Aaron Worley for Howard County high school seniors with a commitment to community involvement, academics and sportsmanship.
2023 Recipient: Serena Goyal, River Hill (Virginia Commonwealth)
Serena Goyal… intends to enroll in the eight-year college/medical school program at Virginia Commonwealth with a major in biology… 4.98 weighted GPA at River Hill… president of the National Honor Society… vice president, River Hill Student Government Association… participated in the Community Foundation of Howard County’s Youth in Philanthropy program for two years… 10-year Girl Scout… launched and served as president of River Hill’s first chapter of Foundation for International Medical Relief (FIMRC)… served three years on the River Hill Village Center Teen Advisory Committee… very active and engaged community volunteer…
Allan Homes Outstanding Student Volunteer Scholarship – $1,500
There is up to $1,500 available to individuals, enrolled in a Maryland high school or college undergraduate program, that demonstrate they volunteered their talent and provided exceptional service to Special Olympics Howard County.
2023 Recipient: Owen Lewis, Howard (Wilkes)
Owen Lewis… intends to study mechanical engineering at Wilkes University… 4.64 weighted GPA at Howard… will compete in varsity soccer and swimming in college at Wilkes…has volunteered with Special Olympics of Howard County for five years, including four in soccer… volunteered with SOHO swim team as an eighth grader…
The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” River Hill High School Student-Athlete Scholarship – $5,000
This scholarship, for eligible River Hill seniors, is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School.
2023 Recipient: Arthur Wang, River Hill (Vanderbilt)
Arthur Wang… will attend Vanderbilt University… intends to pursue a degree in the intersection of economics, business management and environmental sciences… posted a 4.93 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Merit Scholar Winner… National AP Scholar with distinction… varsity lacrosse… earned US Lacrosse Academic All-America honors… vice president of Future Business Leaders of America… third place in FBLA State Leadership Conference… founded Clarksville Youth Care Group (CYCG) in 2020, a non-profit organization providing DIY face shields and protective equipment for medical workers and first responders… vice president SGA of Howard County Chinese School… paid intern and independent researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for two years… student board member of River Hill Village Center Teen Advisory Committee… very active community volunteer… READ MORE ABOUT ARTHUR
The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County Student-Athlete Scholarship – $5,000
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School and in her ninth year as a Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County player. Candidates must be Howard County seniors that have played on a SAC/HC travel or rec team.
2023 Recipient: Sofia Douglass, Howard (Maryland)
Sofia Douglass… intends to study computer science at the University Maryland-College Park… goal is to work in cybersecurity… garnered a 4.82 weighted GPA at Howard… National Honor Society… National Art Honor Society… four years as class council member of Student Government Association… varsity soccer… played soccer for SAC program for 10 years… volunteer with Volunteens… youth soccer referee since eighth grade…
Bob Kittleman Scholarship – Up to $1,000
This scholarship honors Bob Kittleman, and is for Howard County high school seniors who have shown potential in or are accomplished in engineering and the applied sciences.
2023 Recipient: Xavier Manigault, Reservoir (Georgia Tech)
Xavier Manigault… intends to study chemical engineering at Georgia Tech… earned a 4.73 weighted GPA… National Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… varsity indoor and outdoor track and field… captain track teams… National Society of Black Engineers…
Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship available to Howard High School students is offered in appreciation by Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III for the fine education provided to them by the faculty of Howard High School.
2023 Recipient: Tareq Dheini, Howard (Maryland)
Tareq Dheini… will enroll at the University of Maryland-College Park… earned a 4.57 weighted GPA at Howard… varsity soccer captain… 11-year participant in Soccer Association of Columbia as a player, coach and counselor… coached a youth soccer team for Howard County Recreation and Parks…volunteer with Columbia Community Cares…
Dorothy Iglehart Pumphrey Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
Offered in memory of Dorothy Iglehart Pumphrey’s passion and talent for art, the Pumphrey Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student who plans to pursue a career in the fine arts or who has been involved in the fine arts in the school or community.
2023 Recipient: Sakina Ibrahim, Centennial (Rhode Island School of Design)
Sakina Ibrahim… will study fine arts at the Rhode Island School of Design… earned a 4.77 weighted GPA at Centennial… also studied at MICA and Art Institute of Maryland… lists painting as her preferred medium… active volunteer, including with Letter Pals writing to the elderly and hospitalized…
Doug Parker Scholarship – $2,500
This scholarship was established to honor and pay tribute to “Big Doug” Parker, a big man with a big heart. Applicants must attend a Howard County public or private school.
2023 Recipient: Leah Liu, Marriotts Ridge (Penn)
Leah Liu… will continue her academic career at the University of Pennsylvania… carried a 4.89 weighted GPA at Marriotts Ridge… National Merit Scholarship… president of Future Business Leaders of America… president speech and debate team… president social studies National Honor Society… four-year member of varsity volleyball and tennis teams… captain of volleyball… All-County volleyball junior and senior years… violinist in Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestra… president and founder of UltimaTutoring, an online tutoring platform with more than 2,000 participants globally… interned in Maryland Senate and House of Delegates… interned at JHU APL…
Freeman K. Hill Teen Scholarship – $1,500
This scholarship is for a Howard County student who demonstrates his or her religious faith through good citizenship, service to others and the community and academic achievement – values that were exemplified in the life of Freeman K. Hill, an engineer at the Applied Physics Lab.
2023 Recipient: Serena Goyal, River Hill (Virginia Commonwealth)
Serena Goyal… intends to enroll in the eight-year college/medical school program at Virginia Commonwealth with a major in biology… 4.98 weighted GPA at River Hill… president of the National Honor Society… vice president, River Hill Student Government Association… participated in the Community Foundation of Howard County’s Youth in Philanthropy program for two years… 10-year Girl Scout… launched and served as president of River Hill’s first chapter of Foundation for International Medical Relief (FIMRC)… served three years on the River Hill Village Center Teen Advisory Committee… very active and engaged community volunteer…
John C. Clegg Scholarship – Up to $6,000
The Clegg Scholarship is for high school seniors who participated on the Columbia Clippers swim team from 9th through 12th grade.
2023 Recipient: Emily Kinnear, Marriotts Ridge (Clemson)
Emily Kinnear… will study business at Clemson University with a goal to become a realtor like her father… carried a 4.57 weighted GPA at Marriotts Ridge… National Honor Society… Spanish National Honor Society… varsity volleyball… president of Spanish Club… Fellowship of Christian Athletes… 10-year member of Clippers swim team… lifeguard and swim instructor…
Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship – $2,500
This $2,500 scholarship is available to a Howard County Public High School student, currently in their senior year, whose life has been impacted by cancer, either personally or within their immediate family.
2023 Recipient: Ian McWright, Mt. Hebron (UMBC)

Ian McWright… will attend the University of Maryland-Baltimore County… intends to major in computer science at UMBC… posted a 4.12 weighted GPA at Mt. Hebron… marching band and school band… played SAC soccer and was on wrestling team… mother was diagnosed with breast cancer his freshman year… navigated pandemic, academics, extracurriculars and jobs during her treatments… participated in Leadership U… he held down two part-time jobs, one as lifeguard…
Karen and Howard Carolan Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Howard T. Carolan, Jr., and Karen R. Carolan, longtime residents of Howard County. Applicants must have participated in the Howard County Youth Program.
2023 Recipient: Gavin Caperona, Mt. Hebron (Virginia Tech)
Gavin Caperona… intends to computer engineering at Virginia Tech… carried a 4.34 weighted GPA at Mt. Hebron… National Honor Society… math and technical Honor Societies… participated in Future Business Leaders of America… four-year member of First Robotics… served three years as a camp counselor and two years as a referee with Howard County Rec and Parks…
Karen S. Wray Nursing with Compassion and Dignity Scholarship – $1,000
Established in 2021, this scholarship is offered in memory of Karen S. Wray, who resided in Howard County from 1971-2019, and who exemplified compassion, kindness, dignity, and respect for all whom she served during her nursing career. Applicants must plan to attend a two- or four-year college/university with the intention to study nursing.
2023 Recipient: Rebecca Fairbanks, Oakland Mills (Salisbury)
Rebecca Fairbanks… intends to nursing at Salisbury University… earned a perfect 4.0 GPA at Oakland Mills… squadron commander and first lieutenant in Oakland Mills Air Force JROTC… captain varsity soccer… first team All-County soccer… as team’s top defender at center back, scored six goals and had five assists… will play college soccer at Salisbury… huddle leader for Fellowship of Christian Athletes… active community volunteer, including with Columbia Community Cares…
Kit Sfekas Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered to a Mt. Hebron female athlete in memory of Judge Kit Sfekas, who was known to many as “Coach Kit.”
2023 Recipient: Hannah Di Donato, Mt. Hebron (Virginia Tech)
Hannah Di Donato… intends to aerospace engineering at Virginia Tech… carried a 4.63 weighted average… drum major of Mt. Hebron marching band… clarinet section leader of school wind ensemble… varsity softball… worked several part-time jobs, including at Preston Country Club for Pets and Merriweather Post Pavilion…
Lance Christopher Mercy Scholar-Athlete Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is available to River Hill scholar-athletes who are currently in their senior year and have played either varsity football or lacrosse. The scholarship is offered in loving memory of Lance Mercy, a 2018 River Hill graduate who tragically passed away in a car accident in May 2020. He was passionate about sports, and his calm demeanor and easy-going personality made him a leader both on and off the field. His life motto can be summed up in just six words: work hard, have fun, be kind.
2023 Recipient: Arthur Wang, River Hill (Vanderbilt)
Arthur Wang… will attend Vanderbilt University… intends to pursue a degree at the intersection of economics, business management and environmental sciences… posted a 4.93 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Merit Scholar Winner… National AP Scholar with distinction… varsity lacrosse… earned US Lacrosse Academic All-America honors… vice president of Future Business Leaders of America… third place in FBLA State Leadership Conference… founded Clarksville Youth Care Group (CYCG) in 2020, a non-profit organization providing DIY face shields and protective equipment for medical workers and first responders… vice president SGA of Howard County Chinese School… paid intern and independent researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for two years… student board member of River Hill Village Center Teen Advisory Committee… very active community volunteer…
Mark Hollingsworth Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Mark Hollingsworth, a devoted family man and hard-working entrepreneur whose compassionate spirit and positive attitude left a strong impression on those who knew and loved him. Applicants must be seniors at Marriotts Ridge High School.
2023 Recipient: Saachi Aggarwal, Marriotts Ridge (Maryland)
Saachi Aggarwal… will continue academic career at the University of Maryland-College Park where she plans to double major in business along with government and politics… posted a 4.84 weighted GPA at Marriotts Ridge… vice president of Social Studies Honor Society… captain of mock trial team… vice president of Future Business Leaders of America… president of SHE++… raised money for STEM & Buds program… community volunteer…
Michael Joseph Deets Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Michael Joseph Deets. Candidates are Wilde Lake seniors planning to attend a two- or four-year college with preference given to students intending to enroll at The College of William & Mary.
2023 Recipient: Mioulca Joulie Saintilma, Wilde Lake (Cornell)
Joulie Saintilma… intends to study biology at Cornell University… earned a 4.05 weighted GPA at Wilde Lake… National Honor Society… Student Government Association… president Multilingual Leadership Program… president Wilde Lake International Club… president and founder of Crafts N’ Creations… active community volunteer…
Mike Chang Sunshine Scholarship – $500
This scholarship is offered in memory of Mike Chang, a 1995 graduate of Hammond High School. Candidates are Hammond seniors planning to attend college and must respond with care and concern towards the needs of others and have the ability to bring humor to the serious business of life.
2023 Recipient: Jack Taylor, Hammond (R.I.T.)
Jack Taylor… intends to major in engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology… posted a 4.91 weighted GPA at Hammond… marching band brass section leader… third chair trombone in jazz band… captain of varsity soccer… has earned black belt in Taekwondo… robotics club…
Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship – $5,000
Established in 2022, this scholarship is offered by The Howard Hughes Corporation in honor Nikole Hannah-Jones and her work. Nikole is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist covering social injustice for the New York Times Magazine and creator of the landmark 1619 Project. Two recipients are selected each year, and each one receives $5,000. Candidates must have graduated from a Howard County public school.
2023 Recipient: Agamnelechim Igwe, River Hill (Stanford)
Agam Igwe… intends to study biomedical and computer engineering at Stanford… as a survivor of a rare form of leukemia, his own treatment experience inspires him as a budding biomedical engineer… carried a weighted 4.83 GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… SGA Executive Board… vice president of Howard County Voices for Change… research intern at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics STEM Academy… Alpha Achievers… Varsity Indoor Track… Varsity Track & Field… six-year volunteer of the Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department… earned status of lieutenant in EVFP Juniors Program and led battalion cadences for three years… teen advisory board member of Howard County Library System…
2023 Recipient: Mia Swaby-Rowe, Wilde Lake (Maryland)
Mia Swabby-Rowe… two-time winner of this award, winning again after being one of two inaugural winners in 2022…studying kinesiology at the University of Maryland-Colle Park… earned a 4.0 GPA as a freshman at the University of Maryland… member of Kinesiology Student Organization… member of Sport Business Society… worked as an intramural sports official… played club basketball, and served as secretary of the Maryland Women’s Basketball Club…

At Wilde Lake: carried a weighted 4.25 GPA at Wilde Lake… National Honor Society… studied two years at HCPSS Applications and Research Laboratory… won the Principal’s Ohana Award at graduation for promoting leadership of community and family at Wilde Lake… Social Studies Award… Class Council rep for SGA… four-year starter and senior captain of basketball team… Second Team All-County in basketball… two-year starter in volleyball… earned Wildecat Award for spirit… president of Black Student Achievement Program… helped establish Rise Up, a student mentoring program at Wilde Lake… member of Youth in Philanthropy program at the Community Foundation of Howard County…
Phyllis Utterback Scholarship – $2,000
This scholarship for Howard County public school seniors is offered in memory/honor of Phyllis Utterback in recognition of her remarkable commitment to education, youth and family. She epitomized the impact and value of education and the positive role it can play in the lives of young and old.
2023 Recipient: Priyanshi Patel, River Hill (Maryland)
Priyanshi Patel… intends to study computer science at the University of Maryland-College Park… interested in using computer science and algorithms to solve medical issues… had a 4.89 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… art National Honor Society… secretary for Cancer Kids First… president of STEM & Buds program… president of Red Cross Club… intern at University of Maryland Medical Center and School of Public Health… active community volunteer…
Robert J. Gaw Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Robert J. Gaw, co-founder of the Ryland Group, Inc. It provides toward the cost of tuition for a Howard County public high school student.
2023 Recipient: Justin Ma, Glenelg (Maryland)
Justin Ma… intends to at the University of Maryland-College Park… recorded a 4.80 weighted GPA at Glenelg… National Honor Society… Science National Honor Society… first chair bassoon, tenor saxophone in youth orchestra… Future Business Leaders of America… treasurer of Health Occupations Students of America… secretary of SGA… Key Club… lifeguard for the Columbia Association… student board member of Chinese American Parent Association (CAPA Cares)… active community volunteer and peer mentor…
Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship – Up to $1,500
This scholarship is offered to individuals that demonstrate they volunteered their talent and provided exceptional service to the Special Olympics Howard County.
2023 Recipient: Albert Asher, River Hill (Colby)
Albert Asher… intends to study neuroscience at Colby College… had a 4.80 weighted GPA at River Hill… volunteer with Special Olympics… took on increasing responsibility with SOHO… two-year Special Olympics volunteer, helping with tennis and basketball… involved in River Hill and Maryland Best Buddies programs…
Tropf Family Scholarships – $1,000
The Tropf family wishes to promote the study of science by awarding scholarships to Howard County public schools’ seniors from Atholton, Long Reach, Oakland Mills and Wilde Lake who intend to study mathematics, the physical sciences or engineering at a four-year college or university. These scholarships honor Cheryl Griffiths Tropf, a great believer in learning and academic achievement. There are three recipients in 2023.
2023 Recipient: Ethan Aidam, Oakland Mills (Harvard)
Ethan Aidam… intends to study biomedical engineering at Harvard University… had a 4.50 weighted GPA at Atholton… National Honor Society… science Honors Society… Oakland Mills Scholar-Athlete award… captain varsity cross country… captain varsity track & field… All-County… took home the top spot in the 3,200m (9:35.19) at the 2A state meet for a second straight season, also winning the event at regionals… top five in both the 800m and 1,600m at counties, regionals and states… will continue to compete on the track at Harvard… four-year member of marching band…. four-year member of jazz band… Alpha Achievers… lifeguard at CA… active community volunteer, including at Bridgeway Community Church…
2023 Recipient: Lindsey Sands, Wilde Lake (Harvey Mudd)
Lindsey Sands… intends to study environmental engineering at Harvey Mudd College… posted a 4.90 weighted GPA at Wilde Lake… National Honor Society… math Honor Society… varsity golf… varsity softball… president of Wilde Lake Environmental Club… Sunrise Movement Howard County… Elijah Cummings Youth Program… troop leader in Girl Scouts… active community volunteer, especially in environmental programs…
2023 Recipient: Benjamin Thomas, Long Reach (Maryland)
Ben Thomas… intends to study mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland-College Park… carried a 4.30 weighted GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… science National Honor Society… Alpha Achievers… varsity cross country team… Lightning Leaders… very active community volunteer, including Grassroots, Rec and Parks, and at Long Reach…
Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam for Howard County high school seniors planning to attend a two- or four-year college/university or trade school.
2023 Recipient: Stephanie Okoma, Oakland Mills (NC A&T)
Stephanie Okoma… intends to study nursing at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University… carried a 4.45 weighted GPA at Oakland Mills… vice president of National Honor Society… president of Active Minds Club… National Honor Society for the Dance Arts… varsity volleyball… founder and owner of “Steph’s Bakery”… active community volunteer…
About the Community Foundation of Howard County
For more than 50 years the Community Foundation of Howard County has served as a knowledgeable, trusted partner that forges connections between donors and nonprofit organizations to provide impactful investments in Howard County. Last year in 2022 the foundation awarded $1.75 million across 480 scholarships and grants to organizations delivering human service, arts and cultural, educational and civic programs.
Funds to support grant programs come primarily from income generated by the foundation’s endowment supported by nearly 400 funds established by Howard County businesses, families and individuals. For more information, visit or call 410-730-7840.