
Staff Profile: Jay Vidyarthi

Staff Profile: Jay Vidyarthi

What do you do at the Community Foundation?

I run operations at the Foundation. Anything related to keeping the lights on ends up on my messy desk.

What do you love about Howard County?

People are so neighborly. I popped into my barber’s shop to tell him that my neighbor recommended the same TV show that he’s been trying to get me to watch. I ended up chatting for a few minutes. I also took some friendly abuse from his customer for not immediately watching the show.

I know that this culture of neighborliness is disappearing from places all over the country. But it’s still and alive and well here.

What advice do you have for those interested in giving back?

You can connect with a cause important to you. Some people think that philanthropy is only for the Bill Gates’ of the world. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Many donors certainly don’t think of themselves as a Bill Gates. But when they speak with their estate planner they learn that they can make a choice – leave money to the IRS or leave money to a cause important to them. Want to guess which they prefer?

It’s not that leaving a bequest is the right answer for everyone; it’s that there are so many ways to connect with a cause important to you. You just need to start a conversation with us to find the right answer for you.

What has surprised you most about working at CFHoCo?

That’s easy: the staff here at CFHoCo. It’s rare a rare thing to be part of such a hard-working, dedicated, smart, and supportive group of people. It’s honestly staggering, and I’m lucky to be here.

What’s the last book you read that you love?

Six Frigates by Ian Toll. Shortly after the Constitution was ratified the new federal government decided to build six particular frigates. They were very American – unusually stout, unusually well-armed and unusually well-crewed. The book shows how these six frigates didn’t just establish the US Navy, but also shaped the Republic as it stands today.

Who’s your favorite football team?

Whoever is playing the Cowboys.