
Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Did You Know. . .

  • That each year more than 10,000 brave people plunge into the frigid January waters of the Chesapeake Bay during the Polar Bear Plunge in support of Special Olympics Maryland?
  • That one out of every five athletes at the 2018 Special Olympics Maryland Summer Games was from Howard County?
  • That CFHoCo donor and fundholder Allan Waschak has plunged annually for the past 15 years to support the cause and honor his son, Mike?

If taking a dive into the 35-degree waters of the Chesapeake Bay in the middle of January doesn’t sound like your ideal Saturday morning, Allan Waschak may be able to convince you otherwise. The CFHoCo donor, fundholder and owner of Allan Homes is a passionate “plunger” and has participated in 15 consecutive Polar Bear Plunges. Each year, he forms a “Plunge Team” to raise money for the Special Olympics Maryland and makes his donation through his donor-advised fund. We are proud to support Allan as he raises money for a cause close to his heart.

Allan’s son, Mike, has taken the plunge with him for the past 13 years and is an active participant in the programs offered by the Special Olympics Maryland in Howard County. Allan himself gives his time to the HowardCounty program as the swim team coordinator, a position he has held for 22 years. Last year, they trained 102 athletes and one out of every five athletes at the state’s Summer Games was from Howard County.

Special Olympics Maryland programs in Howard County offer sports competition and training to our local athletes with intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities at no cost. Supporting Allan’s plunge is a great way to ensure these programs continue in our county and make a difference in the lives of people like Mike.


Here are some of the ways donations support Special Olympics Maryland:

  • $25 provides one uniform for a Special Olympics Maryland athlete
  • $50 sponsors one athlete to state competitions
  • $100 buys enough medals for a team sport division
  • $200 supports one athlete’s training and participation in their sport for one season
  • $500 provides transportation for a team to attend a state competition

If you have a donor-advised fund with the Community Foundation, please go to your Donor Central login on our website and make a grant to Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake. Of course, you can always send a check directly to Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake at 3741 Commerce Drive, Suite 309, Baltimore, MD  21227.

Help us encourage Allan’s brave plunge by donating to his team.

Your partner in philanthropy,

Beverly White-Seals
President & CEO