The Community Foundation of Howard County has awarded 35 scholarships to 32 Howard County students with an approximate value of $78,500. The awards come after a thorough review process of applications and scholarship committee recommendations.
“These scholarships are another example of the many donors in our caring community and the value they place on education,” said Dee Athey, director of grants and community engagement for the Community Foundation of Howard County (CFHoCo). “In an extraordinary time, this tradition of giving is especially meaningful, given the challenges and the sacrifices the graduating seniors have made. Although these students may not have had a traditional four-year high school experience, they can know the community continues to support and reward their hard work.”
Students from 12 Howard County public schools received an array of scholarship awards dedicated to post-secondary study. The 35 awards include two new scholarships that launched in 2022, the Karen S. Wray Nursing with Compassion and Dignity Scholarship and the Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship.
Below is a brief list of the high school recipients. A more detailed description of each scholarship and some personal highlights of each winner follows.
Recipient Name, High School, Scholarship Award(s)
Sarah R. Arcuri, Centennial, Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam Scholarship
Jessica R. Barke, Mt. Hebron, Kit Stefkas Memorial Scholarship
Dylan Bradford, Reservoir, Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship
Mackenzie Cooper, River Hill, Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship
Kendall L. Dean, Atholton, Freeman K. Hill Teen Scholarship
Kousalya Gaddam, Glenelg, Robert J. Gaw Memorial Scholarship
Alyssa Gorny, Howard, Karen S. Wray Nursing with Compassion and Dignity Scholarship
Jenna L. Grove, Atholton, Tropf Family Scholarship
Christopher L. Gunning, Reservoir, AmandaWins SAC/HC Student-Athlete Scholarship
Erin M. Hopper, Wilde Lake, Aaron Worley Scholarship
Emani R. Jones, Hammond, Mike Chang Sunshine Scholarship AND Ernesto Phillips Talented Youth Fund
Daniel M. Lascola, Atholton, John C. Clegg Scholarship
Erin C. Li, River Hill, Bob Kittleman Scholarship
Ocarin Lin, Glenelg, Vision Financial Group Scholarship
Haley J. Markel, Glenelg, Karen and Howard Carolan Scholarship
Jack McCormick, River Hill, Lance Christopher Mercy Student-Athlete Scholarship
Chloe M. Mentz, Long Reach, Tropf Family Scholarship AND Mary-Kathryn Abernathy Memorial Scholarship
Olivia M. Morgan, Howard, Dorothy Iglehart Pumphrey Memorial Scholarship
Araoluwa G. Omitowoju, River Hill, Phyllis Utterback Scholarship
Emmanuel Omole, Howard, Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III Scholarship
Abigail Ord, Oakland Mills, Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship
Anna C. Ottman, Marriotts Ridge, Mark Hollingsworth Scholarship
Colin R. Sample, Long Reach, Mary-Kathryn Abernathy Memorial Scholarship
Lilly M. Smull, Oakland Mills, Tropf Family Scholarship
Riley G. Stile, Centennial, Doug Parker Scholarship
Mia Swaby-Rowe, Wilde Lake, Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship
Angela Tan, Marriotts Ridge, Greg Speelman Scholarship
Joshua Valentine, Mt. Hebron, Allan Homes Outstanding Student Volunteer Scholarship
Sayali Vispute, Wilde Lake, Tropf Family Scholarship
Emily Wieser, Reservoir, AmandaWins SAC/HC Student-Athlete Scholarship
Vivian Yao, River Hill, AmandaWins River Hill High School Student-Athlete Scholarship AND Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship
Aaron Worley Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory/honor of Aaron Worley for Howard County high school seniors with a commitment to community involvement, academics and sportsmanship.
2022 Recipient: Erin Hopper, Wilde Lake
Erin Hopper… intends to study computer programming at the University of California-Berkeley… 4.86 weighted GPA at Wilde Lake… National Merit Finalist… National Honor Society… Math Honor Society… Tri-M Music Honor Society… National Cyber Scholar… president of Wilde Lake orchestra… Howard County GT orchestra… captain of track team… varsity field hockey team… varsity indoor and outdoor track… girl scout… member of Wilde Lake color guard… co-captain of Kangaroo Kids Precision Jump Rope Team… volunteer with Luminus… volunteer with Race4TheWorld…
Allan Homes Outstanding Student Volunteer Scholarship – $1,500
There is up to $1,500 available to individuals, enrolled in a Maryland high school or college undergraduate program, that demonstrate they volunteered their talent and provided exceptional service to the Special Olympics Howard County Swim Team.
2022 Recipient: Joshua Valentine, Mt. Hebron
Josh Valentine… intends to study occupational therapy or speech/language pathology at Loyola University Maryland… earned a 3.91 GPA at Mt. Hebron… Olympics five-year volunteer for multiple sports…
The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” River Hill High School Student-Athlete Scholarship – $5,000
This scholarship, for eligible River Hill seniors, is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School.

She’ll attend the University of Michigan to study biomedical engineering. (photo courtesy of Yao Family)
2022 Recipient: Vivian Yao, River Hill
Vivian Yao… will attend the University of Michigan… intends to major in biomedical engineering at Michigan… posted a 4.94 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Merit Scholar Finalist… National AP Scholar… National French Honors Society… River Hill orchestra… varsity soccer… junior varsity lacrosse… treasurer of SGA… president of Biology Club… Future Business Leaders of America… first place in FBLA State Leadership Conference… founded Girls in STEM organization, providing free after-school programs for girls wanting additional support in STEM… volunteered with Howard County Library System… youth soccer referee… played 8+ years of club soccer in SAC…
The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County Student-Athlete Scholarship – $5,000
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School and in her ninth year as a Soccer Association of Columbia/Howard County player. Candidates must be Howard County seniors that have played on a SAC/HC travel or rec team. There are two recipients in 2022.
2022 Recipient: Christopher Gunning, Reservoir
Christopher Gunning… intends to study engineering at Cornell University… garnered a 4.84 weighted GPA at Reservoir… National Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… National Science Honor Society… National Technical Honor Society… National Spanish Honor Society…. varsity soccer… two-year soccer team captain… first team All-County soccer… varsity track… debate team… National Speech and Debate Honor Society… captain of robotics team… Science Olympiad… played soccer for SAC program for nine years… volunteer with Casey Cares… coached a U-12 soccer team…
2022 Recipient: Emily Wieser, Reservoir
Emily Wieser… intends to pursue biochemistry at the University of Maryland-College Park… posted a 4.84 weighted GPA at Reservoir… National Honor Society… National Math Honor Society… National French Honor Society… National Science Honor Society… National Spanish Honor Society… varsity soccer… soccer team captain… junior varsity lacrosse… Best Buddies mentor… Red Cross club… volunteer at Open Doors Food Pantry… played soccer for SAC program for 10+ years… coached a U-9 soccer team…
Bob Kittleman Scholarship – Up to $1,000
This scholarship honors Bob Kittleman, and is for Howard County high school seniors who have shown potential in or are accomplished in engineering and the applied sciences.
2022 Recipient: Erin C. Li, River Hill
Erin Li… intends to neuroscience at Columbia University… earned a 4.93 weighted GPA… National Honor Society… National French Honor Society… SGA member… National AP Scholar with Distinction… varsity volleyball… co-captain volleyball… president of BranchOut! Howard County… president of Maryland Youth Speaker’s Club (Toastmasters)… active community volunteer…won President’s Volunteer Service Award…
Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship available to Howard High School students is offered in appreciation by Christina and Lawrence Tarbell III for the fine education provided to them by the faculty of Howard High School.
2022 Recipient: Emmanuel Omole, Howard
Emmanuel Omole… will study biology at the University of Maryland-College Park… earned a 4.18 weighted GPA at Howard… National Honor Society… vice president of Alpha Achievers… secretary of African Student Association… varsity basketball… varsity track… president of volleyball club… officer in Black Student Union… student mentor…
Dorothy Iglehart Pumphrey Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship available to a student who plans to pursue a career in the fina arts or who has been involved in the fine arts in the school or community.
2022 Recipient: Olivia Morgan, Howard
Olivia Morgan… will study art, fine arts and fashion at the Savannah College of Art and Design… earned a 4.26 weighted GPA at Howard… National Honor Society… National Arts Honor Society… Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestra… selected for MICA pre-college art show… active volunteer at Bridgeway Community Church…
Doug Parker Scholarship – $2,500
This scholarship was established to honor and pay tribute to “Big Doug” Parker, a big man with a big heart. Applicants must attend a Howard County public or private school.
2022 Recipient: Riley Stile, Centennial
Riley Stile… intends to study health care at James Madison University… carried a 4.27 weighted GPA at Centennial… National Honor Society… also a member of NHS for Science, English and History subjects… Rho Kappa Honor Society for social studies… varsity volleyball… junior varsity lacrosse… world-class Irish dancer… won 2021 national Open Championship… dance team captain at Teelin School of Irish Dance… dance instructor… active community volunteer with a number of organizations, including Best Buddies, Sideout Foundation, Columbia Community Cares and Helping Hands…
Ernesto Phillips Scholarship for Talented Youth Fund – $500
This scholarship was created to recognize and reward demonstrated ambition in academic achievement and excellence in a student’s particular field of study. It’s based on school activities, community service and extracurricular activities.
2022 Recipient: Emani Jones, Hammond
Emani Jones… intends to study music and performance management at North Carolina Central University… National Honor Society… Tri-M Honor Society… Chamber Choir… Howard County GT Choir… Tech Club… Howard County LeadershipU… Delta GEMS… vice president of church youth leadership team… HOBY Maryland Ambassador Leadership Program… active community volunteer…
Freeman K. Hill Teen Scholarship – $1,500
This scholarship is for a Howard County student who demonstrates his or her religious faith through good citizenship, service to others and the community and academic achievement – values that were exemplified in the life of Freeman K. Hill, an engineer at the Applied Physics Lab.
2022 Recipient: Kendall Dean, Atholton
Kendall Dean… intends to study journalism at Princeton University… earned a 4.64 weighted GPA at Atholton… National Honor Society… National Spanish Honor Society… National Art Honor Society… national Delta Scholar… president of Student Government Association… president of Black Student Union… president of Be The Change Club… captain of varsity lacrosse… first team All-County lacrosse 2022 and 2021… will play DI lacrosse at Princeton… varsity field hockey… active community volunteer with several organizations, including Columbia Community Care, Love Out Loud, Bridgeway Community Church and Volunteens…
Greg Speelman Scholarship – $2,000
This $2,000 scholarship is available to a Marriotts Ridge High School student currently in their senior year, who leads by example and responds with care towards the needs of others.
2022 Recipient: Angela Tan, Marriotts Ridge
Angela Tan… intends to study biology at the University of Maryland-College Park… National Honor Society… national finalist for National Merit Scholarship… Howard County Youth Symphony Orchestra… Maryland All-State Orchestra… varsity volleyball… vice president of Chinese Club… vice president of STAMP… captain of Science Olympiad team… earned first place at Johns Hopkins Science Olympiad… active community volunteer…
John C. Clegg Scholarship – Up to $6,000
The Clegg Scholarship is for high school seniors who participated on the Columbia Clippers swim team from 9th through 12th grade.
2022 Recipient: Daniel Lascola, Atholton
Daniel Lascola… will study public affairs administration at the University of Maryland-College Park … carried a 4.68 GPA at Atholton… National Honor Society… National Spanish Honor Society… Rho Kappa Honor Society for social studies… Marching Band… Model UN Club… Speech and Debate Club… Clippers swim team… volunteers with Columbia Community Cares and Special Olympics Howard County…
Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship – $2,500
This $2,500 scholarship is available to a Howard County Public High School student, currently in their senior year, whose life has been impacted by cancer, either personally or within their immediate family.
2022 Recipient: Vivian Yao, River Hill
Vivian Yao… will attend the University of Michigan… intends to major in biomedical engineering at Michigan… posted a 4.94 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Merit Scholar Finalist… National AP Scholar… National French Honors Society… River Hill orchestra… varsity soccer… junior varsity lacrosse… treasurer of SGA… president of Biology Club… Future Business Leaders of America… first place in FBLA State Leadership Conference… founded Girls in STEM organization, providing free after-school programs for girls wanting additional support in STEM… volunteered with Howard County Library System… youth soccer referee… played 8+ years of club soccer in SAC…
Karen and Howard Carolan Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Howard T. Carolan, Jr., and Karen R. Carolan, longtime residents of Howard County. Applicants must have participated in the Howard County Youth Program.
2022 Recipient: Haley Markel, Glenelg
Haley Markel… intends to study sports medicine at James Madison University… carried a 4.48 weighted GPA at Glenelg… National Honor Society… president of Glenelg Seniors… captain varsity softball… played travel softball for Maryland Fever… varsity soccer… varsity basketball… president of Photography Club… Gladiators on the Horizon… won Howard County Arts Council Photography contest… participated in HCYP since third grade… active community volunteer…
Karen S. Wray Nursing with Compassion and Dignity Scholarship – $1,000
Established in 2021, this is a new award for 2022. This scholarship is offered in memory of Karen S. Wray, who resided in Howard County from 1971-2019, and who exemplified compassion, kindness, dignity, and respect for all whom she served during her nursing career. Applicants must plan to attend a two- or four-year college/university with the intention to study nursing.
2022 Recipient: Alyssa Gorny, Howard
Alyssa Gorny… intends to study nursing at the University of Rochester… earned a 4.88 weighted GPA at Howard… National Honor Society… Music Honor Society… choir chair… president of Jewish Student Union… captain varsity lacrosse… first team All-County lacrosse… will play lacrosse at Rochester… captain varsity field hockey… second team All-County field hockey… MVP field hockey team… varsity indoor track… active community volunteer…
Kit Sfekas Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered to a Mt. Hebron female athlete in memory of Judge Kit Sfekas, who was known to many as “Coach Kit.”
2022 Recipient: Jessica Barke, Mt. Hebron
Jessie Barke… intends to major in business analytics and information management at the University of Tennessee… National Honor Society… captain varsity lacrosse… captain varsity soccer… helped lead Mt. Hebron soccer team to state championship in 2021… Viking Service Club… special education teaching assistant… active community volunteer in several organizations, including Food on the 15th, Best Buddies, Tim Tebow Foundation, Mt. Hebron Annual Canned Food Drive…
Lance Christopher Mercy Scholar-Athlete Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is available to River Hill scholar-athletes who are currently in their senior year and have played either varsity football or lacrosse. The scholarship is offered in loving memory of Lance Mercy, a 2018 River Hill graduate who tragically passed away in a car accident in May 2020. He was passionate about sports, and his calm demeanor and easy-going personality made him a leader both on and off the field. His life motto can be summed up in just six words: work hard, have fun, be kind.
2022 Recipient: Jack McCormick, River Hill
Jack McCormick… intends to study at finance at the University of Tennessee…3.6 GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… captain and two-year starter varsity lacrosse… starting point guard varsity basketball… community volunteer…
Mark Hollingsworth Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Mark Hollingsworth, a devoted family man and hard-working entrepreneur whose compassionate spirit and positive attitude left a strong impression on those who knew and loved him. Applicants must be seniors at Marriotts Ridge High School.
2022 Recipient: Anna Ottman, Marriotts Ridge
Anna Ottman… will continue academic career at Virginia Tech and study electrical engineering… posted a 4.84 weighted GPA at Marriotts Ridge… National Honor Society… also member of Social Studies, Technical and French National Honor Society… National Merit Scholarship finalist… national AP Scholar with Honors… co-captain varsity tennis… president of BARK Club for animal advocacy… Girl Scout… active community volunteer…
Mary-Kathryn Abernathy Memorial Scholarship – $500
This $500 scholarship is offered in memory of Mary-Kathryn Abernathy for Long Reach High School students. Applicants must plan to attend a two- or four-year college/university or trade school and either pursue a career in education or have been involved in fine arts in the school or community. There are two winners in 2022.
2022 Recipient: Chloe Mentz, Long Reach
Chloe Mentz… intends to study mathematics and secondary education at the University of Maryland-College Park… carried a 4.63 weighted GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… French National Honor Society… Tri-M Honor Society… secretary of SGA… Class Council… vice president of National Honors Society… captain varsity cross country… section captain in Marching Band… French Club… Pink Ribbon Club… Lightning Leader… Animal Welfare Club… Girl Scout… national Girl Scout Silver Award… Howard County LeadershipU… Girls on the Run coach… captain Kangaroo Kids Precision Jump Rope Team… active community volunteer…
2022 Recipient: Colin Sample, Long Reach
Colin Sample… intends to civil engineering at the University of Maryland-College Park… had a 4.73 weighted GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… Science National Honor Society… Tri-M Honor Society… national AP Scholar… Class Council… Student Government Association… section captain in Marching Band… Lightning Leader… Animal Welfare Club… Boy Scout… active community volunteer…
Mike Chang Sunshine Scholarship – $500
This scholarship is offered in memory of Mike Chang, a 1995 graduate of Hammond High School. Candidates are Hammond seniors planning to attend college and must respond with care and concern towards the needs of others and have the ability to bring humor to the serious business of life.
2022 Recipient: Emani Jones, Hammond
Emani Jones… intends to study music and performance management at North Carolina Central University… National Honor Society… Tri-M Honor Society… Chamber Choir… Howard County GT Choir… Tech Club… Howard County LeadershipU… Delta GEMS… vice president of church youth leadership team… HOBY Maryland Ambassador Leadership Program… active community volunteer…
Nikole Hannah-Jones Scholarship – $5,000
Established in 2022, this scholarship is offered by the Howard Hughes Corporation in honor Nikole Hannah-Jones and her work. Nikole is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist covering social injustice for the New York Times Magazine and creator of the landmark 1619 Project. Two recipients are selected each year.

2022 Recipient: Dylan Bradford, Reservoir
Dylan Bradford… intends to study engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology… carried a weighted 4.86 GPA at Reservoir… National Honor Society… French Honor Society… National Society of Black Engineers… president of Alpha Achievers… Howard County LeadershipU… Reservoir Concert Band… Varsity Soccer Most Valuable Player… second team All-County soccer… Varsity Indoor Track… Varsity Outdoor Track… second team All-County track… active volunteer at Mt. Pisgah AME Church.
2022 Recipient: Mia Swaby-Rowe, Wilde Lake
Mia Swabby-Rowe… intends to study kinesiology at the University of Maryland… carried a weighted 4.25 GPA at Wilde Lake… National Honor Society… studied two years at HCPSS Applications and Research Laboratory… won the Principal’s Ohana Award at graduation for promoting leadership of community and family at Wilde Lake… Social Studies Award… Class Council rep for SGA… four-year starter and senior captain of basketball team… Second Team All-County in basketball… two-year starter in volleyball… earned Wildecat Award for spirit… president of Black Student Achievement Program… helped establish Rise Up, a student mentoring program at Wilde Lake… member of Youth in Philanthropy program at the Community Foundation of Howard County.
Phyllis Utterback Scholarship – $2,000
This scholarship for Howard County public school seniors is offered in memory/honor of Phyllis Utterback in recognition of her remarkable commitment to education, youth and family. She epitomized the impact and value of education and the positive role it can play in the lives of young and old.
2022 Recipient: Araoluwa Omitowoju, River Hill
Ara Omitowoju… intends to study biomedical engineering at Stanford University… had a 4.89 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… Spanish National Honor Society… Art National Honor Society… National Merit Scholarship Finalist… AP Scholar with Distinction… varsity soccer… second team All-County soccer… captain varsity indoor track… captain outdoor track… first team All-County track… class president SGA… president Black Leadership Union… Future Business Leaders of America… very active community volunteer…
Robert J. Gaw Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Robert J. Gaw, co-founder of the Ryland Group, Inc. It provides toward the cost of tuition for a Howard County public high school student.
2022 Recipient: Kousalya Gaddam, Glenelg
Kousalya Gaddam… intends to study public health at the University of Maryland-College Park… recorded a 4.80 weighted GPA at Glenelg… National Honor Society… Science National Honor Society… national AP Scholar with Distinction… served as president of Foreign Life Club… vice president Biomedical Club… officer in SGA… co-captain varsity tennis… youth tennis coach… Key Club… Asian Student Union… Health Occupations Students of America…active community volunteer and peer mentor…
Schnorf Family Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship – Up to $1,500
This scholarship is offered to individuals that demonstrate they volunteered their talent and provided exceptional service to the Special Olympics Howard County. There are two recipients in 2022.
2022 Recipient: Abigail Ord, Oakland Mills
Abby Ord… intends to study education at Towson University… had a perfect 4.0 GPA at Oakland Mills… super volunteer with Special Olympics… volunteered hundreds of hours of service since 2017, including in bowling, basketball and soccer…
2022 Recipient: Mackenzie Cooper, River Hill
Mackenzie Cooper… intends to biology at Bowdoin College… had a 4.84 weighted GPA at River Hill… National Honor Society… varsity track… volunteer with Special Olympics… five-year Special Olympics volunteer, helping with kayaking, swimming, snowshoeing and basketball…
Tropf Family Scholarships – $1,000
The Tropf family wishes to promote the study of science by awarding scholarships to Howard County public schools’ seniors from Atholton, Long Reach, Oakland Mills and Wilde Lake who intend to study mathematics, the physical sciences or engineering at a four-year college or university. These scholarships honor Cheryl Griffiths Tropf, a great believer in learning and academic achievement. There are four recipients in 2022.
2022 Recipient: Jenna Grove, Atholton
Jenna Grove… intends to study kinesiology at the University of Maryland-College Park… had a 4.50 weighted GPA at Atholton… National Honor Society… Math Honors Society… captain varsity cheer… Pre-Med Club… manager of varsity wrestling team… member of Student Government Association… active community volunteer…
2022 Recipient: Chloe Mentz, Long Reach
Chloe Mentz… intends to study mathematics and secondary education at the University of Maryland-College Park… carried a 4.63 weighted GPA at Long Reach… National Honor Society… French National Honor Society… Tri-M Honor Society… secretary of SGA… Class Council… vice president of National Honors Society… captain varsity cross country… section captain in Marching Band… French Club… Pink Ribbon Club… Lightning Leader… Animal Welfare Club… Girl Scout… national Girl Scout Silver Award… Howard County LeadershipU… Girls on the Run coach… captain Kangaroo Kids Precision Jump Rope Team… active community volunteer…
2022 Recipient: Lilly Smull, Oakland Mills
Lilly Smull… intends to study physical therapy at the University of Delaware… carried a 4.70 weighted GPA at Oakland Mills… National Honor Society… Art National Honor Society… three-year captain soccer team… second team All-County soccer… Scorpion Stinger Award… very active community volunteer…
2022 Recipient: Sayali Vispute, Wilde Lake
Sayali Vispute… intends to astronautical engineering at University of Maryland-College Park… earned a 4.73 weighted GPA at Wilde Lake… National Honor Society… Math National Honor Society… AP Scholar with Honor… officer in SGA… Class Council… Materials Research Society… Humanitarian Club… Arya Dance Academy student and teacher… math tutor… active community volunteer…
Vision Financial Group Scholarship – Up to $20,000
This $20,000 scholarship ($5,000/year for four years), is available to a graduating student from Glenelg High School who demonstrates a commitment to community.
2022 Recipient: Oscarina Lin, Glenelg
Oscarina Lin… intends to healthcare administration at the University of Pennsylvania… posted a 4.91 weighted GPA at Glenelg… National Honor Society… Science National Honor Society… National Merit Scholarship Finalist… AP Scholar with Distinction… Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award… principal oboist in Maryland Classic Youth Orchestras Philharmonic… All-State Senior Orchestra… Howard County GT Orchestra… Glenelg Symphonic Band… vice president Class of 2022 in SGA… Glenelg Key Club… ice hockey club team… Glenelg Speech and Debate Club… Young Artists of America at Strathmore… music and math tutor… active community volunteer…
Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is offered in memory of Wilbon H. and Mary J. Pulliam for Howard County high school seniors planning to attend a two- or four-year college/university or trade school.
2022 Recipient: Sarah Arcuri, Centennial
Sarah Arcuri… intends to study nursing at Clemson University… carried a 4.43 weighted GPA at Centennial… National Honor Society… English National Honor Society… co-captain varsity field hockey… MVP of field hockey team… officer in United States Air Force Auxiliary… Centennial Eagle Ambassador… black belt in Mixed Martial Arts… founder and president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Centennial… very active in her church…