Have a question about grant applications, requirements or reporting? Click on the questions below to see the answer.
What types of grants are available?
The Community Foundation of Howard County has a number of active grants programs to support Howard County nonprofits. They include:
Community Grants are provided once a year to support programs and services that transform and enrich the lives of Howard County residents. Nonprofits may apply through our Community Grants program for either operational support or for support for a specific program.
Mini Grants are designed to support smaller nonprofits, projects that are time-sensitive, first-time applicants, nonprofits less than five years old, school enrichment programs that are not funded through the district budget, and nonprofits not eligible for grants through the Community Grant program. These grants provide funding up to $5,000.
Donor-Advised Grants are awarded through nonprofits by donors who have set up donor-advised funds at the Community Foundation of Howard County. Our team works with our donors to identify and support nonprofits that are working to address issues that connect with the goals and interests of our donors.
Making-Up-The-Difference Grants are awarded at the discretion of our donors. Each year, we provide our donors with information about nonprofits that are seeking funding beyond what we can provide through our other grant programs. When providing this information, we invite our donors to “make up the difference”. This program annually provides significant additional grant support to Howard County nonprofits.
How do I apply for a grant?
Nonprofits are invited to sign up for our email list to receive alerts about new grant applications and deadlines. We also provide information about current grant programs, application instructions, and deadlines on this website.
What are the requirements?
Each grant program is different, but we do require all nonprofits who apply for grants to submit a grant report that includes both financial and narrative information. Recipients will be asked to report on what was accomplished with the grant and provide an accounting of how the funds were utilized.
What if I have questions?
For more information about our grant programs please email Dee Athey, Director of Grants and Community Engagement or call (410) 730-7840.
Apply for a Grant
Visit our Grant Portal to start your application today!
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